Mar 8, 2009


This post is specialised for this wonderful lady --- My Dearest Aunt
She's Tan Soo Shing
The youngest daughter in the Tan's family
A great , successful lady with super loving and caring personalities

Thank you so much for being there when i was feeling so lost ..
Thank you so much for letting me to realise that i'm not alone ..
Thank you so much for keeping me accompanied wherever i go ..
Thank you so much for bringing me to different places to spend the weekends ..
Thank you so much for cooking me soup that makes me feel like i'm at home .. which i know you don't really cook ..
Thank you so much for calling .. your voice calms me down .. a lot a lot ..
Thank you so much for sending me til the door everytime you send me home , you never know walking alone into the house may be a terrible nightmare to me ..

Thank you so much for everything , yiyi !