yuhOoooo ~~
It's Father's Day !! (
alright i know.. it's just over 3 mins ago .. just pretend that it's still .. ok ?)
hmm .. today was a happening day .. lotsa things happened today ..
alright, should start my story here ..
12pm -
Weeeety went to McD .. to have RM5.95 ~ (
Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Labour Day,Wesak Day.... EVERYDAY !! )
Yeap , so then .. had my lunch while had some readings .. planned to spend my afternoon there .. as i got nth to do at home ..
I met Ronald there .. and we chit chatted for awhile .. and continued on with our own 'reading session' ..
AND DEN ..... ~~~ !!!
a SILLY CRAZY BASTARD MANIAC ASSHOLE appeared and sat next to me .. but i was inside and he's outside .. I was sitting by the glass wall .. and guess wad ?? the crazy monster showed me his dick .. omg .. WAD DA HELL ?!!
I wasn't quite sure at first .. so i didn't really bother bout it .. but after a few times of seeing him trying to get my attention .... DAMN .. and so i changed my seat .. and sit face to face wid Ronald .. and celaka .. the man actually stood up and went to somewhere which i could see him .. and he then walked to his car .. lowered down the window and sat at the passenger seat in front .. he wrote smth on a piece of paper .. and tried to show me .. but i couldn't really read the words .. Luckily i met Ronald .. it's really the luckiest thing that have happened to me at this moment .. so Ronald accompanied me home .... and ..
~I'm safe ~
7pm -
went dinner with Ronald ..
He brought me to a mamak stall(
Hannas ? or Harmas .. smth like dat) nearby his house ..
We had Nasi Briyani wid some curries and indian food .. It's SUPER BIG PORTION ! gonna post up the pics when i get it .. i guess it's enough for 4 person .. and i felt so bad to not finishing it .. but i was really full ady ..
My Father's Day Giant Nasi Briyani
Ronald's We were chit chatting while eating .. and suddenly ........
Ron : Hey Pa .. ohh .. my dad .. he came from JB ..
Via : (Ohh wad????) ohh Hi uncle ~
and den the father joined our conversation ..
had a great chat wid his daddy .. He told me a lot of things .. which daddy used to tell us .. We then went home around 11 ++
That's basically wad has happened today .. I felt great .. really great .. many things are running in my mind now .. I feel so glad .. so lucky .. It's amazing .. I just got to say today is really amazing ..
It seems like someone .. something .. is guiding and protecting me .. not only today .. but all these while .. It's really the best thing to have bumped into Ronald at McD .. when that incident happened .. I couldn't imagine wad's gonna happen if i were alone just now .. how am i going to go home ?? and also .. I felt so good to have this quite-short-conversation with the father .. which actually reminded me of the direction that i was supposed to go to .. and lead me to the right path .. It might be the only chance in my life to talk to this uncle .. But i'm really gonna bear his words in mind for good .. Listening to uncle makes me feel so 'homey' .. I'm like listening to daddy .. Perhaps it's another amazing thing that happened to me cause He knew it's father's day .. and this lil daughter actually misses his dadee muchie muchie here ? =)
I enjoyed my day .. very very very much .. It's a great day .. It really was ..
I just want to say THANK YOU
~ Thanks for everything ~